Measuring the Level of Development of Neuropsychic Functions in the fields of Language and Memory in Preschoolers, Diana Alina BUGANU

Abstract The main purpose of the research was to assess the level of language development in correlation with mnemonic function in preschool age. A formative psycho-pedagogical experiment was performed. The research involved two categories of preschool children aged between 5 and 7 years: with typical development and language disorders (pronunciation-polymorphic dyslalia). The NEPSY test battery […]

A Psychometric Evaluation of the Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale-Short Version: The ATLG-S-9, Gabriel BULBOACĂ, Viorel ROBU

Abstract Measuring attitude toward homosexuality with well-validated instruments is a critical step for a better understanding of the anti-lesbian/gay public prejudice (formerly known as homophobia). The Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale-Short Version (ATLG-S) is one of the most known measures of attitude toward lesbians and gay men. This study aimed to test the […]

Vol. 25, No. 1/ 2021

Content and Language Integrated Learning for Recently Immigrated Students Benefits of a Short-Term Intervention for Content and Language Skills, Mario SCHMIEDEBACH, Claas WEGNER Evalution and Intervention in the Linguistic Structures of Children’s Language, Diana Alina BUGANU Pre-Service and In-service Biology Teachers’ Attitudes toward Internet, Liliana MÂȚĂ, Ionuț Viorel STOICA Correlation between Professional Success and the […]