
To start up an on-line formative strategy, based on continued self-evaluation supposes to master appropriate instruments and technical control. To project an on-line course involves the foreseeing of the valuations instruments, the modality and the effects that they cause on students. The education for self-evaluation is a crucial moment in the formative process and it represents a chance of self-orientation for the student.In the distance learning and especially in the on-line learning formative self-valuation has a basic role. It is one of the essential factors which emphasize the quality of the on-line course.The multiplicity of the self-evaluation modality is reduced to three: individual self-valuation, which does not require others’ collaboration; self-evaluation with classmates, teachers and tutors’ feed-back; interactive self-evaluation in which compared analyses take place. In an on-line course all these three modalities have to be present. Identifying all the indicators employed to define the self-evaluation instruments have the origins in the “thinking phases” determined by Garcia Hoz. It is important to give an authentic informational instrument means to the self-evaluation during the on-line formation as it helps to improve the quality of the process of teaching- learning.

Key words: modalities, on-line education, self-evaluation
