Vol. 29, No. 1/2025 Unleashing the Potentials of Reading Graphic Novels in Advancing Meaning-Making in the Language Classroom, Naima SAHLI Perceived Teacher Autonomy Support, Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Performance: The Moderating Role of Competitiveness and Gender, Tina VRABIE, Nicoleta Laura POPA, Adrian-Vicențiu LABĂR Learn, Connect, Engage, Thrive Together! Digital Citizenship Education in European Universities. A qualitative analysis, Magda-Elena SAMOILĂ, Nicoleta Laura POPA Innovative Approaches to the Ergonomic Dimension of Classroom Management, Loredana PERJU Opportunities to stimulate critical thinking in primary education, Oana Irina NECHIFOR, Venera-Mihaela COJOCARIU