The subject of Civic Education deals with forming the young person both as a citizen of the state he is part of, as a member of the various social groups, and as a unique and dignified being. It includes the fundamental rules of living in society, cultivating respect towards oneself and others, the taste of independence, responsibility and cooperation, recognition of the rights of others, human dignity, equality between races, sexes. A first step of the study consisted in identifying the main difficulties encountered in implementing Civic Education at the level of the second grade. Based on this, it was proposed an experimental project which shall be described and which started from the central idea of training by means of a relatively integrated approach to the lessons of Civic Education for the third grade, the lessons of Romanian literature, and the second grade non-formal activities, organized systematically from this standpoint. From this perspective, the study’s hypothesis aimed at validating the way in which the integration and conducting of lessons of Romanian language and literature with non-formal activities with the purpose of building the main civic skills shall induce a progress in their formation. Illustrating how the experiment was structured and conducted may provide numerous suggestions to those interested in preparing this difficult process of learning in primary education.
Key words: civic education, integrated approach, non-formal activities