The study intends to look into an important and actual domain – forming and developing the meta-cognitive competences for students who are trained for a didactic career. The building of the educator’s professionalism must be focused on the contributions of cognitive psychology and on studying the didactic expertise, on Schon’s recent papers about “the reflexive practitioner”, on models/paradigms of training developed during the last decades. As a rule, meta-cognition develops in the same direction with the strategies used during cognition development and it is associated with knowledge or learning “management”. The progresses of this approach materialize in forming capacities of decoding the cognitive task or the previous experience, of evaluating and reporting the requests to own capabilities, of reflecting the knowledge involved, of solving modalities and available solutions, of analyzing the encountered difficulties and personal cognitive/soluble style, of self-regulation and making the cognitive activity efficient. The specialised literature includes several attempts of shaping models for building and developing the meta-cognitive capacity in general, but there are no studies regarding the meta-cognition development for students integrated in a program of initial training for a didactic profession. That explains our attempts of theoretic elucidation of the concept, of elaborating concrete and operational instruments, which can slowly familiarize students with analysis of their own cognitive activities, represent directions for continuing and developing future investigations.
Key words: capacity of cognitive control, cognition development, cognitive activity functionality, metacognitive competences, metacognitive training