Vol. 27, No. 2/2023

  1. Comparing (Out of) School Learning in a Student Laboratory Foreknowldge Makes the Difference, Claas WEGNER, Mario SCHMIEDEBACH
  2. Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Candidates’ Opinions on Panel and Forum Discussion Techniques: A Qualitative Analysis, Mesut BULUT
  3. Linguistic Discrimination: An Issue of Research and Collaboration in Philosophy, Psychology, and Academia, Dennis RELOJO-HOWELL, Amoneeta BECKSTEIN
  4. Motivation for Learning in High School Students and the Impact of Physical Education on the Student`s Academic Performance – A Teacher Perspective, Daniel-Dragos Oprescu
  5. Stepping into the Role of a Teacher – Challenges and Opportunities of Cross-Age Peer Tutoring, Jonas TILLMANN, Anne-Maria SCHMER, Claas WEGNER
  6. Predicting Engagement with School: A Study on Romanian Adolescents, Viorel ROBU, Narcisa Gianina CARANFIL, Magda TUFEANU, Anișoara SANDOVICI
  7. Sociocultural Theory-based Pedagogy in Second Language Teaching and European Language Policies, Roxana GHIAȚĂU
  8. Enhancing Education Quality in Rural Settings through Steiner-Based Societal Partitioning Optimization, Cezar-Marian PAPARĂ
  9. A New Vision on Evaluation from the Perspective of the Constructivist Approach, Silvia GOLUBIȚCHI
  10. Mentors’ Perception towards the Organization and Development of Pedagogical Practice, Liliana MÂȚĂ, Ioana BOGHIAN, Venera-Mihaela COJOCARIU, Carmen-Violeta POPESCU, Gabriel MAREȘ