Language has always been an accurate reflection of the changes affecting any aspect of reality as it is a living organism dependent on and promoting human development. It is a mirror encapsulating within its depth different stages in the evolution of thought and action, but it is also an indispensable instrument enabling this evolution. Teaching language implies, therefore, learning about reality but also changing it through the multiple perspectives that such an enterprise entails. One of the perspectives we may apply to the teaching of a language is art. Its transfiguring light may totally change our perception of the world. In the act of studying the artistic dimension of reality, language acquires a new value, turning from an instrument for communication into a complex expression of beauty and refined thought. Functionality gives way to creativity and, in the process, language and the world mutually reflect and enrich each other. Studying English or any foreign language means coming into contact with other cultures and learning from them by looking at reality through the lens of art. Language becomes a transcultural “ray of light”, using art as a gateway to other worlds.
Key words: artistic expression, culture, creativity, teaching language, transcultural approach